


The first five steps on how to deal with spraying cats

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Spraying cats can be a burden for any pet owner you selected cats, because they are pure, love and do not require much maintenance. Sometime during the first year of life, cats are likely to cause problems related to sexual maturity and traction for felines around them. If your cat has started, here are the first five things to check off the list before considering other causes:

1. Have your cat neutered. Sexual maturity is the number one reason for the spraying. Spraying is in fact a means of communication used by cats, in order to advertise their availability, the Elimination of feromonwn to attract a mate. The only way to stop this behavior is to take the cat to a VET and neutered, especially if you are an owner of tomcat.

2. Some cats continue spraying, even if they are neutered. Spraying can be converted into a matter purely in behavior after castration and spaying and is good to remember that this can be stopped. In other cases, cats have a spray because medical issue associated with urinary tract infection-may be violating or other minor problem, but the important thing is to take back to the VET to rule out the possibility of a disease.

3. If your cat is neutered and verify that it is also quite healthy, it is time to consider external causes. Sometimes tomcats spraying continue even after castration, because they are still caused by neighboring cats. Check your home environment to see if your cat is never in contact with other cats. Your neighbour has a female cat? There are other cats in your area, who tend to enter your House or garden? Does your cat never pay visits in the neighborhood?

4. in other cases, neutered cats continue their habit because even the smell of urine and sex pheromone traps is not completely removed from your home. If you have developed the habit to spray the same places again and again, it is probably because this is attracting its own smell of urine. Be sure to thoroughly clean the area where the accident occurs.

5. Finally, if none of the above is the case, it is time to look at ways to improve your behavior in order to help your cat. Improper spray and oyrisis can be caused by many external factors you cannot control your cat, but you can. Your litter box cleaning as often as possible? You still have time to play every day? Have you moved recently? The cat showed signs of aggression recently, or there are any changes to the normal mood and behavior?

All these are questions you should ask yourself to know the real reason why your cat spraying problem. If you can find the cause, then the solution would probably be easier than you thought.

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