


Regular ski runs helps to prevent Hairballs

One of the scariest things to see and hear as your cat is a cat owner, coughing and choking as he or she attempts to spit up a hairball. The exact moment you experience feelings of helplessness and concern, both because the track your cat, try to release the defiance hairball from the neck. If you have a cat or I had the pleasure of being a company's cat for a day, you will notice that you spend some time licking and cleaning the instruments to perfection.

Cats lick themselves not only to remain pure, this is the main objective, but also because they enjoy their own scent, although it is a love of comrades human petting a cat likes to smell like a cat. As cats lick and clean themselves in the process they swallow everything that excess hair. A cat of the digestive system that is designed to get rid of these hair, both their own and their prey through them. However, sometimes due to an excessive piling up, some of these shed hair goes the opposite direction, from the mouth of your cat.

Now this is where cat owners come regularly, and/or brushing and redeem your cat's fur helps to get rid of some of these hairs shed excess instead of swallowing the your cat, you can end up throwing out. Even with regular brushing cats are still going to swallow shed hairs, but regular brushing away the hundreds and thousands hairs shed, which can drastically reduce your chances of getting a cat hairball. How often is regular brushing you ask? If your cat is a cat long hair will need brushing or her on a daily basis, even if only for a few minutes, long hair cats are more likely to encounter hairballs and therefore need extra grooming time. Near hair cat hairballs experience yet, even with the low hair length, and should be brushed once to twice a week. If your cat is used to help psiktras, begin to slow start with a petting session, and then insert the brush gently brush your cat, for few minutes and then repeat the next day. It may take several days or weeks for your cat to get comfortable, it is true, can never enjoy brushing sessions, but will eventually get used to. Every time you brush your cat, you'll notice that some hairs shed remain in the brush, you just saved your cat can devour the hairs, which contributes to a less hairball.

Kerry-Ann and her husband were cat owners for 20 years. They have two beautiful, healthy cats, aged 18 and 2. To learn more about helping your cat look and feel their best visit feel free to follow them on twitter, enjoy tweeting with pet owners.!/cathealth101

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Risks and negative effects of the massage of the Cat

Massage is a great way to remove the stress and to relieve the body of people from all kinds of pain. They also need the stimulation of the body, soothing and treated with muscle diseases in cats is similar in this way. However, as with all types of treatments, massage the cat surrounded by dangers and negative effects.

This technique of natural healing and relaxation is used on cats use some strokes from a Swedish massage that include Effleurage and friction. Both of these borders is essential for improving blood circulation and oxygen throughout the body. Also contribute to the stimulation of the nervous system, to change to a better mood. Avoid running deep tissue massage for your pet, since it is not appropriate to make such technical without adequate training and knowledge.

Fingers and easy access to commonly used for spot anomalies and irregularities in the House of cats. Whole body evaluation is usually practiced right before treatment in order to allow the owner to get a complete idea on the condition of the pet. Owners must start by running the underlying fingers the body of the CAT.

Massage of the cat also includes risks and adverse effects in the same way as any kind of massage used in humans. Manage physical conditions involving irregularities as pronounced bruising and swelling of the body are some of the dangers of this type of massage. Bruising and swelling in any part of cat body massage should not be and should be avoided to refrain from further damaging the body. Instead of touch and pressure on those areas of the Agency, application of ice cold or any object that is very suitable for the treatment of these problems.

Risks also include professional service management pregnant cats should be used in such cases. Although soft contours for different parts of the body of the pet may not appear uneducated knowledge and inexperience can result in long-term problems. Consulting veterinarian is more acceptable to decide on your own.

Negative effects on cats massage strokes in certain areas of the Agency and include fear and aggression from inappropriate use of pressure. Remember that not all cats are the same and that you will enjoy the same techniques used for the other cats. There are areas on the cat's body off limits to human touch or must not be often caressed or massage during treatment, become uncomfortable. Familiarity with pet often plays an important role during the therapy allows the owner to the various techniques of massage with fewer games, minimized risk and lowered rate of adverse effects that have been acquired.

Owners must collect tons of great information about cat massage therapy in order to avoid causing injury instead of benefits for their beloved pets higher risks. The information also helps the owner to properly bond with their pets during the treatment with the pet receives love, good results and benefits of treatment.

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Automatic litter box reviews-benefits and challenges of automatic litter box for cats

What are the benefits of owning an automatic litter box for cats? Many cat owners are not really familiar with the concept of owning one of these pet companion tools and often belong to the left in the dark of what can be had from owning a litter box for your auto and the benefit of your cat.

Yes, it is true, you can enjoy a very good set of benefits if your one of those things, but of course, these are balanced with some challenges or downsides. However, for the most part, the upsides won from battles as it is known that the cat maintenance can be quite difficult. An automatic litter box can give you exactly what you need to make your life easier and to make your cat care much more fulfilling and rewarding.

Benefits and challenges of automatic litter box for cats

The main benefit of auto litter box holds, of course, is the fact that it will do all the work for you. So many people complaining about how difficult it is to look after a cat, because it would then have to clean up after this, but with a cat like this can eliminate this problem. You will be able to go inside and outside your home and go about your work, without having to worry about whether or not the region is clear or full with cat litter.

However, do not be fooled as there is also a disputed participate in possession of an automatic box for cats. As performed by different mechanisms which enable the self-cleaning feature, jams and mechanical problems with the parties can cause an even greater chaos, given the opportunity. An unexpected problem with the mechanisms may cause the "cat" to create an even greater problem than simply having to clean up after your cat.

Considering all this, however, it is still recommended for every owner of a cat to get himself or herself a much-needed automatic cat box as it will help look after their best cats without consuming as much time and effort. At the end of the day, the objective of the litter "auto" is to facilitate the life of each cat-owner of high quality maintenance and care, must be able to function properly the cat and constant without losing any more sleep over cat litter odor and poor maintenance from stinky paddle cat urine.

Cat owners, simply, be sure to be able to choose the best litter box from the game for their cats. This means that do their own research and looking at different varieties and versions to find what is ideal for the cats. Knowing what to look for style and to prioritize, finding the best and most practical automatic litter box is much more straightforward and simple.

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Choice between adopting an older Cat or a kitten

So you have decided to adopt a cat. Great! You now have the hard choice between picking an older cat or a kitten. There are benefits either, but there is a lot to consider carefully before choosing the exact feline for you. A few things to consider.

First, regardless of what we adopted kittens. It is extremely rare for a group of kittens to go long without continuing to reach up to. Older cats, however, will remain in shelters for a long time, especially for the reasons you'll get to later. If you are hoping to adopt a cat primarily to do some good, to do the most benefit when you vote for an older feline. Kittens will find homes. The old need your love.

Still, the biggest draw of a kitten is that grow with you and become your originals in all modes. Basically, they turn into a cat is a direct result of your actions on them, thus, this is a plus, if you think you are a rather good cat owner or if you need a partner you know inside and outside.

This does not mean that older cats be lost though. Many of them are just as lovely as kittens, sometimes more and sometimes an older cat would already mathimena and trained not to scratch or chewing on things around the House. This is the life of the cat used to live and the owners raised. When choosing a cat earlier you're at the mercy of inheriting either predefined attributes or you have a negative charge of breaking these negative habits and instilling positive margins.

It will all come down to if you want all the responsible adult form your cat's personality or not bother to transfer a random batch characteristics from an older cat. Either option will require work, but the amount of work and the type of work are quite different between the two. Kittens are all about inclusion and training. Older cats are Discovering what they need to be happy and helping eye that life can give them. Often adult cats will come from your adoption homes either abuse or the carpet so that your project will be all about earning the trust and love. Kittens will be more about maintaining them from hurting themselves or others and helping to set thresholds to decide they want to break all the time.

Selecting a cat is in. Weigh carefully the choices and plan accordingly. Cats and kittens everywhere needs a home, so don't wait too long and give them the love they need!

For more information about cat or to learn more about the best breeds, head over to now!

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Tips on how to Potty Train your Cat

Perhaps you've been told about cats pet toilet use to facilitate their selves. Many people want to know the simpler way about how to yo-yo train a cat, because they are tired of dealing with and changing the kitty litter and lugging bags of cat litter sizeable home. The cat toilet coaching process typically includes 4 weeks to two months.

You have to toilet train the cat with patience. Cat toilet training start writing simply kitty litter box on the side of the commode Bowl. Slowly but surely, after a few days, when you happen to realize your kitty has approved the new set up, add documents, or even a telephone directory, underneath the container can increase this number of inches. Continue adding layers until the kitty litter box is parallel to the top of the yo-yo seat.

Now, move your kitty litter box above that kitty is sitting right above the commode Chair. Allow pet kitty for this setting for a few days. The next thing kitty toilet training can be a major problem. Now remove the kitty litter box.

Toilet training for kittens and cats is a huge undertaking and many companies offer cat toilet training toilet products or coaching systems via the internet and practitioners propose applying even systems with your coach and a kitty cat toilet training kit.

If you want to spend less then you can purchase a metal mixing pan or roasting a lightweight metal griddle for the following step. To locate a vase and measurement within the edge to make sure the bowl or the griddle is large enough to hold the Bowl truly commode and to lower the seat. Loading using a few centimeters to kitty litter scoop. Should the glue to prevent slipping about.

Start reducing litter kitten inside gyala every week. Go quickly here kitty will be happy with. You must remove the actual waste immediately to minimize both the smell and the potential that the kitty tries to cover it.

Here, you can go down the teaspoonful of kitty litter inside the container. Start adding some water gyala. To increase the level of every few days. Remember if the adjustment of your cat isn't good, go back and try another time much more slowly.

When the water in the pan or griddle is a few centimeters depth plus this cat is for convenience with the whole issue, take the pot away, leaving an uncovered commode. Cat training project has ended.

Toilet training period Kitty may vary for each types; kitten. If your pet kitty hesitates at each stage of coaching, then return one or two. Please don't get too worried about it. Just slow down and employ the above guidelines. Most important is that this process requires patience and attention.

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Fun facts about physiology

Did you know that ...?

Cats prefer acidic and bitter taste and are able to perceive sweetness due to an inherited mutation that affects the taste buds? Since cats are meat, can detect sweet flavors will not provide advantage survival as predators.

Cats ability to hear low frequency is approximately the same as ours, but they can hear frequencies from both humans and dogs, allowing them to locate rodent communication, including an ultrasound calls: an essential characteristic for nocturnal rodent hunters!

Cats greater acidity is at a distance of 75 cm, which is ideal for hunting (apart from the perspective of mice!) because this is the approximate distance across which the cats pounce upon catching them meals!

Cats have little color vision: can distinguish, blue and green, but often cannot distinguish between green and red.

After mostly cats are nocturnal predators have excellent night vision. A large part of a cat's retina has a special feature called the lucidum-a glossy reflective surface that interfere constructively and increases the amount of light that passes through the retina. In other words, a cat's eye is like a small house of mirrors which completes the amount of light the eye perceives. Light passes through the retina, and then is reflected back in the eye again, reducing the actual amount of light required to see them.

Cats have a good sense of smell, and rely on smell more than they do for their sense of taste. At the base of the nasal cavities, cats also have a special sensory organ called the vomeronasal organ (VNO), also referred to as the organ of Jacobson. The VNO detects feromonwn, chemical molecules that carry information-feromonwn is an important operation inter-cat communication.

Adult cats have a perception of poor temperature, with them inside coreswhich body, that can endure accidentally burn injuries if people aren't careful about limiting their access to pillows, stove tops, and other thermal heating appliances. However, in General, cats are able to withstand much higher ambient temperatures than humans. The heat tolerance is likely a result of desert roots.

Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that they belong in the order Carnivora and have to eat the flesh of animals to survive. Little vegetation can digest and use vegetation derived nutrients; It is not equipped with the proper digestive enzymes and absorb mechanisms to do this.

Cats have retractile claws and are digitigrades (these feet). These traits to be agile and quiet tree climbers stalkers; cats are generally ambush predators or stalk-and-ambush predators.

Cats vibrissae (whiskers) provide sensory information and can detect very slight air movements caused by the movements of their prey: yet another handy feature for the predator to hold!

Have you ever wondered how your kitty to be impossibly tiny crevice tool? Cats have free-floating clavicles (collar bones) that allow them to squeeze through very small spaces!

The information provided in this article is only for educational reference. This is not to be a substitute for the advice and care of a veterinarian, or a medical diagnosis or treatment. All questions about the health of your cat should be discussed with your veterinarian. c 2011 K and J Ventures Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Dr. Ko is a supporter of the importance of preventive medicine education and cat owners about the benefits of their cats. It was this ideal was the motivation for creating the Web site of Dr. Ko. is a new site dedicated to providing cat owners with information to help provide effective and preventive health care for the cats. Within the site, Dr. Ko, licensed veterinarian has created video expertise, health articles, ask Dr. Ko advice (to which it responds cat health) information about toxic substances, product recalls, dangerous household items and more! In addition, the website houses a store filled with products selected specifically for benefits for optimizing your cat's quality of life!

All matters which Dr. Ko writes about are provided by the members of the website. To suggest a topic article on Dr. Ko, please visit set up a membership-it's quick and free!

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Cheap low-quality food in Cat

The term, "you are what you eat" applies not only to humans, but also to cats. If you feed your cat Cheap cat foods supplemented with meat by-products and seeds, are essential to your diet petfood spam. If a man, we just eat candy bars and chips on a daily basis, we can survive, but the real question is for how long and how well will we feel? Foods you can buy for your cat should provide the vitamins, minerals and nutrients your feline who must live a healthy life, dynamics, not just to survive.

Don't waste your money on oversized Cheap bags of food for cats. The sales are great, but when it comes to your feline food should focus on what is in the bag and not just the price tag. This is easy to say, right? However, the fact is you might save a couple bucks now buying cheap food, but will likely spend much more money later to your cat's VET bills. Eating a diet supplemented with corn, meat products and seeds can result in adverse effects on the health of your cat. One of the causes of cat diseases such as diabetes are overweight. Grains and fillers just Service packs on the pounds for your pet, minus the nutrient. Cats are carnivores; Therefore, we need real meat as the main source.

Cheap cat food is Cheap for a reason? they used seeds and fillers instead of meat, so that the bags of food. Look for foods for cats with real meat, where meat as the first ingredient in 2-3. The food manufacturers, realize how pet owners care for the well-being of their pets, so in an attempt to gain our trust, starting with protein components. However, since the protein is then a meat by-products, grain or corn usually is. If during the first three components of the protein is listed only once, then most likely the majority of cat food consists of fillers, groats, maize and soya.

What are the by-products of meat? Meat products is what is left after all the nutritious parts taken for human consumption, such products are parts such as bones, blood, guts, throats, feet, and feathers. Nutrients is how much you believe a chicken feet, not many. Your cat deserves to eat the most nutritious parts of the animal, not just to the left of remaining issues. Treat your cat to nutritious high premium carnivores protein rich cat food.

Kerry-Ann and her husband were cat owners for 20 years. They have two beautiful, healthy cats, aged 18 and 2. Contribute to the health of their playful cats to only feeding grain free cat food, premium. To learn more about how to choose the healthiest dry your cat food visit

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Tips on choosing the best for your Pet Cat Scratcher

There is something very special about pet cats. Can bring so much joy in a House, although it may cause hard sometimes, especially when your wrong for a furniture swapping.

Cats scratch instinctively. Thanks to the cat scratchers, cat, you will be able finally to stay away from your furniture and satisfy the requests at the same time.

Scratching posts are not created equal, so it is better to know how to choose the best for your cat scratcher. For us humans, these positions can be the same, but cats, is a different story. The scratching post is part of everyday life of your furry friend. If you want your pet to stay happy, buy able he or she will love.


The first thing to look at is the scratcher height. The entry should be long enough for your pet to fully stretch while not the thing. Thirty inches should be adequate. If your cat is great and the location you purchased is only eight inches long, chances are your four-legged friend will look for another solution, namely scratching your couch.

The material

The importance of surface scratching. Some surface material made of wood, while others consist of carpet. There are also used in sisal rope scratchers. Cats have different preferences, but many love sisal rope, because it is rougher. In addition, sisal rope is more durable and long-lasting than wood or carpet.


The next account, if you want to learn how to choose the best for your cat scratcher is determined his position. Suppose that because cats scratching as couches, sofas and other pieces of furniture? Therefore, beyond the comfort and the satisfaction that they receive from tracks cushioned furniture, sofas and couches rather than scratching a wobble almost to the attack. The point of how we select the best for your cat scratcher prevents your furniture dies. This is exactly why you need an equally stable and sturdy scratch post.


While it is not really relevant for cats, you may want to distinguish a pleasant show Clipboard. For example, if you plan to put the location within the salon, you might want something which is not a sensitive eye. Most cats scratch almost everything that passes for a sturdy scratcher, but let's face it, cat posts can be a sensitive eye and should be replaced with something decent looking. Select a color or a design that fits with your existing decor or interior home design.

However, if there is a specific point in the House where your cat wants you to do the scraping, place the cat scratchers in there because this is one of the areas of your friend's comfort. If you have more than one cat or if there are multiple rooms of your cat love spending time on, I need to buy more than one swap publications. Try the purrfect cat scratchers.

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Cat scratching posts for your pet

Cat owners who love their pet cat and certainly love their furniture. It does not need to be divided between them by bestowing worn furniture or the beloved cat if you include a cat scratching post the cat supplies. Apart from a collar cat and a cat bed, a publication is an important contribution that will provide the pet cat in an appropriate place to scratch.

Every cat should be able to indulge in unique nature and calls, including fissures. Cats tend to scratch their claws for cleaning and pet owners can be trained to use scratching posts instead of furniture in this House. This will protect the furniture can be a much less expensive than a cat declawed tags (and less painful for kitty!).

Regardless of how your cat is picky, the wide variety of materials is available indicates that there is probably a product out there that your cat will love sinking their claws into. There are many kinds of cat scratching posts in pet supplies store. Ideal made of wood that are vertically from 24 to 36 inches or 2-3 feet. These may be covered with fabric or sisal fiber wallpaper. A broad-based where the post will allow cats scratch and stretch upwards without turning over the station. If the publication is very small or wobbly, will be disabled because they will not be able to extend fully.

You may need to try some different ways to find one that fits your pet, especially if you have a really picky cat especially ot a cat scratches on a preferred surface, so that a pet owner must sometimes experiment in which the texture is useful to the PET. Some cats prefer rough surfaces such as Corrugated or sisal rope. Other cats will scratch only plain wood.

Scratching posts come in a very wide variety of styles, colors, looks and designs. There are many projects of the cat scratching posts in pet shops. There are complex publications with multiple layers to allow climbing platform. "Cat trees" scratching posts is very high and supported by tension Rod extend to maximum stability. Some cats scratching needs only one carpet surfaces such as one piece or reversed doormat by raw materials. The deal is made to look like decorations to the merged item in the decoration of the room. In any case, a pet owner must train a cat to use a scratching area.

Whether you're an owner of dog or cat, you know that having the right supplies is worth to keep your pet happy. Find the very latest dog collars, spiked dog cat carriers, cat scratching post collars and available for your pets at

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Help! My Cat is destroying my couch!

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Relax and breath! Don't punish your cat for scratching your furniture; it's a very natural behavior for your cat to perform. Your cat is stretching, marking their territory, and grooming their claws; you simply need to provide an even more attractive scratching surface for their use when they're indulging in this pleasurable behavior. There is plenty of hope for the lifespan of your furniture yet, just follow these easy suggestions:


Protect your furniture by adding cat repellents to the specific areas on your furniture that your cat has special affections for (eg. the left arm of your favorite recliner). Most repellants do not cause damage to fabrics, but test the spray on a small area of the couch that isn't visible prior to applying it on visible locations. Reapply the repellent daily for about one week so that your cat concludes that these areas are undesirable surfaces for scratching. Widely available and very effective products include:
Bitter apple sprays - non-toxic; safe to use on most fabrics and surfaces; unodoriferous to people, but tastes and smells unattractive to cats.Double-sided sticky tape - available in pet stores as well as home & office supply stores.Aluminum foil - cover the area with the foil.

Note: DO NOT punish your cat if they commit one or two repeat offenses and scratch your furniture during their training period. Scratching is a normal and important aspect of feline self care. Punishing your cat for expressing happy, healthy cat behavior is unwarranted and will only cause your cat anxiety which will put strain on you and your cat's relationship. The goal is not to stop your cat from scratching, but simply to redirect the behavior to a more appropriate surface: one that is compatible with your, as well as your cat's, needs.

Scratching Alternatives

Assess the scratching surfaces you have provided for your cat within the home. Most cats have strong preferences regarding their scratching substrates, and the good news is that there are many different scratching post options available, among which you can select a substitute for the couch that will suit your cat's exact wants and needs! A cat who has enjoyable designated scratching mediums will not destroy furniture in order to stretch their claws satisfactorily. So whichever way your cat likes to dig in their nails, you need to satisfy those personal requirements:

Incline: Some kitties prefer vertical scratching surfaces while others prefer horizontal ones, and still others are partial to gentle inclines.

Substrate: Some cats prefer sisal rope, others prefer carpeted posts, and some prefer simple $10 cardboard cat scratchers (which, incidentally, are available as horizontal scratchers and also as ramps of variable inclines!). Note: Keep in mind that not all carpeting is created equal... soft, low quality carpet does not provide good durability; most cats prefer tougher, higher quality carpeting that they can really dig their claws into.

Mobility: Cats prefer that their scratching surfaces be immobile when being used, so scratching posts that hang (eg. from door handles) are generally not a hit with most kitties. A solid, wide base is paramount to having a sturdy cat scratching post that your cat will enjoy using. And remember, when purchasing cat towers, you frequently pay for the quality you are buying, so cheaper but more elaborate constructs may look great, but are often not very stable. Note: If your cat's scratching post is wobbly and insecure, chances are that your kitty will return to using the nice steady couch arm instead of their designated scratch post!

Provide scratching posts in all of the right locations in your home. If your cat's scratching posts are sequestered to the basement but they spend most of their time with you in the living room and bedroom areas, then the scratching posts are not going to be very effective! Chances are that if your cat wants to wake up and have a good lazy stretch after a satisfactory cat nap, that they are not going to saunter down to the basement to attend to those needs when there is a perfectly good couch staring them right in the face, offering up some lovely upholstery on its arms...

That's right, you may need to have multiple cat scratching posts available if you have a multiple level home, and they should not be banished 'out of sight,' otherwise they will also be 'out of mind' (ie. your cat's mind!). One substantial scratching post on the main floor, close to one of the main furniture victims, will often suffice. Ideally, however, there should be several scratching post options on the main floor. Other ancillary scratching posts should be added to the additional floors near your cat's various hang-out spots. Cardboard scratcher-ramps are a great way to provide multiple scratch posts around the home on a modest budget. Cardboard scratchers are also small and mean that your cat's scratching posts won't necessarily take over your entire home!

Sprinkle cat nip on your cat's scratching posts. Nothing encourages a cat to get familiar with the new, more appropriate scratching medium than some fresh 'nip! You can also place a few of your cat's favorite treats around the base and on top of their scratching posts to draw them over to their new posts and encourage their use.

Give your cat a 'pet-icure'!

Believe it or not, trimming your cat's nails is easily accomplished. It helps minimize the damage to your furniture during the 'new scratching substrate training interim,' and also ensures that your cat won't get their claws accidentally stuck in carpeting, slits in radiators, and other such nooks and crannies around your home (which can result in a painful torn claw).

Note:Additionally, it's beneficial for your cat to be accustomed to receiving pedicures from a young age. As cats grow older the outer nail sheaths do not shed as easily as they do in younger cats; their claws become long and thick, and can quickly become ingrown, infected, and painful unless they are trimmed periodically.

Additional Note: If your cat goes outdoors, do not trim your cat's nails too short. Decrease furniture damage by just clipping the sharp, pointed nail tip to create a blunt end, but leave enough nail length for your cat to be able to defend themselves against outdoor predators (other cats, dogs, raccoons, coyotes, fisher cats), climb trees to escape, etc.

Watch my know-how video (on my site) for tips on how to trim your cat's nails.

Soft Paws

Soft Paws are a truly innovative creation for indoor cats, and when all else has failed, this is the best solution available. Soft Paws are cheap, easy to apply, and painless. Declawing is NOT a humane option, and, hopefully, will be banned in North America in the near future. Soft Paws are essentially fake nails that ensheath your kitty's claws - nice, soft, rubbery fake nails that come in an assortment of fun colors! Soft Paws ensure that your cat's next big scratching session will be transformed into nothing more than a rigorous massaging action.

Note: If your cat goes outdoors you should not use Soft Paws to protect your furniture; without functional claws your cat will be unable to protect themselves in dangerous outdoor situations.

To read more of Dr. Ko's articles, please visit

The information provided in this article is for educational reference purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice and care of your veterinarian, nor medical diagnoses or treatments. All questions regarding your cat's health should be discussed with your veterinarian.

Dr. Ko is a passionate believer in the importance of preventative medicine and educating cat owners about its benefits for their cats. It was this ideal which was the motivation for the creation of the Dr. Ko website. is a brand new site dedicated to providing cat owners with information to help them provide effective and preventative health care for their cats. Within the site, Dr. Ko, a licensed veterinarian, has created Know-How Videos, Cat Health Articles, Ask Dr. Ko tips (in which she answers your cat health questions), information on toxic substances, product recalls, dangerous household items and much more! In addition, the website houses a store filled with products specifically selected for their benefits to optimizing your cat's quality of life!

All of the topics that Dr. Ko writes about are provided by members of her website. To suggest an article topic for Dr. Ko, please visit and set up a membership - it's fast and free!

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My Cat watching for signs of disease

I love my cat, like many of us out there. It is a fun, playful little snot who loves to do his own thing and every so often decide to pay me a visit to make sure I'm still quite alive for food. But it is not long started to notice a few things that I suspect that he was ill. Here is what started to happen.

Usually, my cat has no problem running all around the House, even when we have company over. He's got to be at the Centre of attention at all times, not that it is very difficult as it is always ready to entertain. However, I noticed that he had not come from the bedroom one night was totally friends, and when I went to find the difficult I could convince him to escape from under the bed. Even after he had removed my house, I couldn't easily get my cat to leave the place. I would later learn that this is a warning sign that your cat may be weak, as they like to hide when you don't feel well. It doesn't take much to see this change, especially if your cat is kind of like my own, is always outside and active.

Then, I felt that his nose is usually wet was quite dry. I am generally a person full of cat nose this morning as a small reminder to wake up and start the day, so I can tell you first hand how moist nose could be. And obviously the wet nose is a good thing as it allows you to tell us when our animals are healthy, and whenever they could be at risk. Dry with a dry nose is an indication of the disease, although this should not be used as a symptom of. In conjunction with unusual hide, seemed like things my cat pointing is seriously sick.

The last thing that happened was very unexpected. My cat is mostly only a cat indoors, but began trying to escape from the House, each time you open a door. We take every opportunity to rush out and try and find another hiding. My VET will soon tell me that this is something cats do sometimes when they believe that those who die. According to the vet, cats will try to separate themselves from their owners, in order to pass away without an away or without being bothered. Fortunately, I was able to get my cat to the VET, he successfully ran and fled from his life, but it was a closure.

My cat has had a tumor the size of my fist in the gut, which, fortunately, was removed without complications. It is quite healthy now roaming the House, fortunately, day and night, but if you don't have to know about the signs, not even my cat today. To insight and pay attention to your cat, because if you don't do this now you can have a cat for a long time.

For more information about cat or to learn more about cat health, head over to now!

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Welcome to the world through love of Tonkinese cats

' The Words cat and cute is not only similar to hear, but it is quite similar as well, literally, "said the former TV presenter. As dogs, cats also have a special place in the drama called life. Cats, like happiness come in various shapes, sizes and colors. Such a colorful race is the Tonkinese cat.

As Canadian hairless cat, Tonkinese cats that came from the land of Canada. It is a medium sized cat breed, a cross between 2 beautiful breeds – breed Siamese cat and Burmese cat breed.

History of Tonkinese cats

"History is a right-half fable half wrong agreed. ' in the same way, there are certain cases involving the recent breed with historical era of the 19th century. Some people believe that these cats often trace their roots back to the cat miracle ' Wong Mau ' (a small walnut colored cat-sized, courtesy-Dr. Joseph Cheesman Thompson, 1930). Most other journals and experts to the player until the end of the 19th century, which is widely accepted. Overall, the exact history is discussed, but these cats are not as old as some other species.

Game name

The breed was formerly of companion-as you have Tonkanese later modified to Tonkinese. Origin of the name is the namesake of the Pacific island music. This fantastic island was special because there was no distinction made half-breeds and hybrids. These are known as Tonks, promoting, and also during cat shows.

These beautiful Tonkinese breeds can often find mentions in novels, films, documentaries and magazines. Known for their friendly nature, these pets are often classified as the perfect apartment cats. In General, these animals are lively with gregarious personalities and form one of the bubbliest pets. With an attractive peculiarity, Tonkinese breed pets is often taken advantages of both, Siamese and Burmese cat breeds. Even the meow is slightly different from other tribes and the voice is often an epitome of love. Pet Tonkinese carves and returns very openly love.

The cat trim and muscular look lighter than it actually is. Of course, have the following characteristics:

-Distinctive oval paw
-A custom-shaped wedge head
-Large ears, which almost outwards from the heads
-The muscular appearance

There are 3 primary patterns on Tonkinese cats, solid, sharp and mink. Coming into 4 appealing colors and pattern color that darkens with age. The solid pattern is the most common type of pet Tonkinese pattern around.

One of the main reasons why these cats displayed item is curious, these are unusually curious puppys Tonkinese, even for the simplest things like a human finger. These children are playful and mischievous and like humans or other species of Asian cat around.

These cats are great pets, and many owners claim, there is a feeling of pleasure when they are around. Cats, broadcast generally happiness and Tonkinese those is no different.

Learn about the features and characteristics of the various cat breeds. Also get information about how to take care cat health and find easy ways to give your pet a friendly environment.

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Can I Tame Feral Cat?

Most people believe feral cat is a stray cat, but this is not the case. Stray cat is usually the result of the irresponsibility of the person.

This can normally be set in two ways: dumping a cat and leaving to fend for itself and spay or neuter neglect their cats.

Stray cats may be weak, but can also stand for easy.

Where as feral cat is usually a cat born wild parents who in turn are wild.

Feral cats would not have any interaction with humans and it is very difficult to train.

Because these feral cats are so difficult to tame, is totally unsuitable as pets indoors.

Rescue organizations often trap these cats spayed and neutered, and then release them again.

Then will provide food for them.

Feral cats can be found anywhere, in rural areas or in the countryside, in streets and parks and abandoned buildings. You do not know even exist, certainly will not be able to catch them.

If you happen to glimpse their however you may wonder if this could stand and kept as pets.

Taming Feral Cat would be a very difficult task, because they are not used to human contact. If you get this job will take much time, patience and love can tame these creatures.

If you find a cat that has feral years will have little or no chance of taming it. These cats will be totally independent and not dependent on humans for companionship or food.

You will have more success with a cat that is semi-Feral Cat, feral is a that has some human contact. These cats was probably a pet that was abandoned.

Just remember if you want to try and Tame one can be hard work, and sometimes your efforts will not take effect for months. But if your efforts are successful, the rewards will be well worthwhile and should be able to develop a strong bond.

If you think you have the time and patience to try to Tame wild, there are some things to remember. These are the main one cats I class as the attacker and will very likely whistle, bite, spit and claw. This is all perfectly normal because they will defend themselves.

If you manage to trap a Feral Cat successfully the first thing to do is get the cat spayed or neutered and check for any other diseases that could be carriers.

Upon arrival at your home, you will need to allow the cat to you and their adaptation to the new environment. Let the cat have a small area to stay in at first and make sure you spend some time each day with this.

Remember, however, not all feral cats can be domesticated, but promising time, love and patience will be rewarded for your efforts.

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How do you feed your Cat may be as important as what your feed

If you have never encountered an upset stomach, or the inability to eat when stress should not be difficult to imagine that animals may be susceptible to the same thing.

Wildlife experts who specialize in rehabilitation of injured or displaced animals is often faced with the challenge of feeding them properly so that they can recover and return to their natural habitats.

Pet animals is no different, often suffer health issues because of fatigue, such as unfair practices. Cats, in particular, is very sensitive to stress and easily affected by poor nutrition and/or their surroundings while eating.

It is not enough to simply make a bowl of old food and wait for it to just eat and be happy, healthy child. However, because cats are so customizable, works often in this way, but if your cat has a mysterious problem, this could be related to stress during I.. If you have stopped eating, is critical to address the problem quickly.

Here are 6 tips to help keep your kitty happily eating for health:

1. make sure that there is no competition for food. If there are other pets at home, it is necessary to feed at different times or locations for the prevention of bullying and stealing their food.

2. keep food dishes in a low-traffic area. It can be alarming continuously interrupted by people walking back and forth.

3. Maintenance of noise. Ears of cats are particularly sensitive and loud noises could definitely drive them away from their diet.

4. Is the dishes clean? Simply refill bowls every day. Give them a good cleaning, just make your own. The accumulation of crumbs and residues can attract insects and can cause bacterial growth, clearly a risk factor for health problems. If you are very bad, just a desperate hungry cat will eat even this, and could become ill.

5. most animals have a routine, and cats, seem particularly happy one. Supply of food at the same time and place each day contributes to a sense of security and calm.

6. the attitude is very important, too. Cats to say what is and what will usually avoid a grouch who is your moods. Power when you are in a weak position, as after the children went to school, or the entire family has gotten the day. Talk pleasantly and to avoid a harsh tone when serving them.

For more information about feeding cats and handling behavior issues, go here:

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Sphynx Cat-pros and cons of owning a Sphynx

Now is your time of self. It is really important to consider very carefully-and honestly-if you're in a better position to adopt a Sphynx (or indeed any pet). Apart from the shelter, nutritious food and your time, your PET will require appropriate medical care. This is one of the biggest responsibilities is that a pet owner. If you feel that the time is right to provide all four of these factors, care of pet are you ready to adopt a Sphynx. A common question that people ask when considering a Sphynx in their household is: "what are the advantages and disadvantages of owning a Sphynx?"

Sphynx cats do not shed because they are hairless. In fact, have a nice level of downy fur skin that is almost impossible to see.Sphynx is incredibly liberal and meriadoc provide more than most cats.Sphynx Blurs traditional distinctions between dogs and cats commonly Receive. very well with other pets in the House even Your dog become part of a club for owners are so rare as a Sphynx. This can open you up to the wonderful friendships.Hairless cats are highly intelligent and can be trained and proved. a positive impact on the health of people who enjoy Nude. cats dressed up because they did not wish to cold! they will keep you warm at night.Sphynx is a healthy breed with no known specific health or genetic problems.


The Sphynx breed is more demanding than other cats, on the level of attention required. This can be somewhat alleviated by buying two Sphynx cats in order to have another company.Sphynx eat poo and very high metabolism because of the specificity of their to the almost hairless Sphynx coat means that the skin becomes quite oily and greasy. It must be little regularly, once or twice a week. you will need to be cleaned Sphynx ears and clip their nails regularly.Sphynx cat is a very mischievous and playful. We climb and jump on furniture and appliances you may experience the negative comments from people you don't like bold cats. We must accept that some consider distasteful or alien race looking the Sphynx is a rare breed of cat, and as with anything rare and exclusive, this generally means higher than normal market price.

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An honest look at the Cat leash

There are several reasons as to why a person would buy a leash for pets. Cat Leashes are just wonderful to have, although some people don't seem to need. You can find so many different cat leashes, according to what I use or how often you use it.

What is the use for a cat leash?

Some owners might find strange for some to use a cat leash, especially because you see a cat with a rare never, but you can see people who have dogs with them. A cat leash serves different purposes for the holder and the petalone.

Like dogs, cats have their own special personality and some cats could be a bit more mild mannered and conservatively, when other cats are territorial and do not like the other cats. If you have a territorial cat then it might be a good idea to get into a trio when you want him for a ride. some owners may have their cats with them and if your pet is trying to threaten or to do the same you can have your pet with the leash.

Another reason why you might want to have a cat leash for your cat is that it will not wonder far away when you take him out. Cats are independent animals and most of them won't stay right next to you when it is economic. especially if it is an outdoor cat. Overall, leashes are used for reasons of convenience and protection when your cat can take.

What kind of cat leashes can I buy =?

Are you satisfied with the huge choice of cat leashes can be found. especially if you search online. If you go to a store and then there are smaller selections of cat leashes, however if you are looking for a certain cat leash then surely you can find online with no problem at all. A popular type of leash cat owners are more for pets is one with a retractable cable.

A cable retractable shoulder strap allows the owner to adjust the shoulder strap cat in various lengths that are appropriate for the size of your cat and allows you to wander about without feeling longer distances contained when you get outside pedestrian walkways. Another reason that the retractable cord is one of our preferred types of leashes is because when you are finished using it for your cat you can retract the cord and put away. No more worrying about cords getting tangled relaxed!

Your cat needs the cables

Make sure you can buy a harness for the fanbelt that will use for your pet. Many are already cables leashes, but some are not and you can purchase them separately. The cables are necessary so that your pet may be safe for you to pedestrian walkways. Raises the pressure of the leash to evened, so that it will not overlap the fanbelt tugging on the collar.

It is the safest thing to do both the purchase of a harness for this. Harnesses shall come in different sizes depending on the weight and how big is your pet's neck. Be sure to buy one that is very limited, but fits comfortably in your cat.

The value that you can expect to pay for a

In accordance with the leash is a mark which is the length of the leash will determine its value. Attention to the details of a trio, and make sure that you can buy one that will last for a long time. especially since some pets bite, chew, and destroy leashes in time.

To learn more about each type of cat leash, visit

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An honest look at Cat carriages

Sometimes, we reward our cats, as they are like children, especially if we don't have our own children. We love to pamper and spoil our pets because they are considered as part of our family. If you have a cat, then surely you can buy snacks and many different games for him.

But, have you considered buying cat stroller for that?

Why stroller Cat?

Carriages are used for the same reason, you will be able to use the trolley for an infant, along with various other reasons as well. If you don't feel like driving your pet with you on a trio when you're out in public, stroller cat would be the best alternative. It is also good for kittens you may want to keep away from the larger dogs or cats which can be territorial outside when you take them to the public.

Perhaps you hurt. There is nothing like a ride pleasure to give your cat a break from having to walk, especially if he is injured! The list goes on and on just why you could have some good use of trolley for your cat.

Describe the characteristics of cat stroller?

Cat resembles the strollers strollers to use for a baby but much more is covered. Stroller will usually have a lid than to keep your pet protected at all times while sitting in the stroller. Usually have multiple mesh nets along the sides and the front of the trolley, so your PET will have plenty of ventilation for when you're on the road with the outdoors.

The back wheels of the carriages have their brakes on the back just like a baby stroller instance you must stop the trolley and need somewhere to stay in place. A range of cartridge holder and storage is typically a part of one of the many additions that will include the trolley so you can take with your cat's Favorite Toys, snacks and your drink.

More reasons why you should have a

Cat stroller can be an alternative to carrying around a hotel. If your pet is sick or injured pet will allow the trolley to stay covered away from other cats and dogs. Can your critters away from cat when it is covered in trolley cat. This means that you can keep your cat from getting irritated by fleas or errors while this riding.

Your cat is either means or simply want to keep away from dogs or other pets in public may be territorial, you can use the cat stroller for this purpose as well.

What I see to pay for a cat stroller?

Most carriages are very affordable. But there are some expensive strollers that are kind of like a double decker pet strollers and jogging strollers for cats, they can run around $ 300. Probably the cheapest that you will pay is about 20 dollars.

So there is stroller for sale at any price range. Also, the price varies depending on when you decide to buy yours from. You can buy a stroller for your pet cat or local store you shop online at various stores for stroller for your pet. You won't be disappointed when you see several options that are available.


Cat carriages is excellent the same no matter what reason you'll want one for your cat!

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Different games for different traits kitten kitten

It is not what is amazing to see your wonderful cats playing happily? Isn't it nice to bond with them while you are on holiday or off from work? I say that! Cats are playful animals. They are easily bored when they do. The stop furniture and your important things when they can't see anything to play with. This kind of incident happens in a normal House cat. For your convenience and your cat happy, you have to buy kitten toys. With the help of the World Wide Web, you'll find varieties of games for your kittens.

After you get easily bored cats, you have to implement the technical game rotation. This is the secret of a happy cat. Cats are intelligent animals-can easily identify old toys and new games. In order to make your cat amused with these games, you can import them for new games and new techniques of playing the games, but will still give the old one. Toy mice, crinkly balls, elastic shapes and balls with bells is that they are suitable for cats who love to hunt for things around the games. This type of cat is also referred to as "hockey cats" because it is like hockey balls that goes anywhere. Is the love for roaming around and do lots of action too.

Another type of cat who plays a new type of games is the "cat ninja". Are cats who love to hunt for anything. As ninjas, this type of cat loves to watch, to hound and to ensnare their prey. Cat dancers, fishing pole arrangements with a game at the end is the type of game that is particularly appropriate for them.

A game is appropriate for playful cat called "stick game". Cat needs your help with this type of game. It is perfect when you have nothing to do and you just want to play with your cat. It is good to play this kind of game before your cat sleeps, diaskorpisoyn their energy before sleeping.

A cat that wants to see a little changes called ' study cats. " This type of cat loves to play feed that are in a certain place. You may be able to give their sealed games floating in water beads on wires or abacus beads. This kind of activity for cats and their way of thinking too strengthens and develops mental activity.

The truth is that there are a lot of games you can play on your cats. Whatever games you will certainly enjoy. Just make sure to keep track of your cats that love to play these games. Since cats are playful animals, you also have to consider playing with them. Don't let your cat get bored. make them happy by giving the kitten toys.

Luis Cameron is a pet lover and writer, at the same time. Love and passion for pets, incomparable who coaxed him to share his knowledge in the world for little things that people can give their pets. CAT and dog supplies carries almost everything needed for the pet. Are ski gear, cables, handles, beds, kitten and many other games. Visit more exciting and fun things for your cats and dogs.

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Massage of cat-welding health benefits

Cats are like the man facing stress, body pain, distress and other types of physical and mental problems. People tend to seek effective remedy massage healing, relaxing and reinforcing their body. Today, cats are also entitled to have this kind of experience as a part of their medical care.

Massage of cat is quick and popular today due to the effectiveness of this technique, both in peace-keeping and processing of pet problems. Helps both pet and owner to bond and relax as you experience the benefits of alternative treatment. This also AIDS the owner to get familiar with the institution of pet only by touching it with the fingers. Any of the usual within the organization can be found easily because of the constant contact which breeds familiarity with cat House. This also facilitates the cat during treatment and increases confidence with the human touch.

Although deep tissue massage for cats should only be done by professional massage therapists, the cat may be performed by every pet owner. This type of therapeutic massage does not require precise execution or proper training of the various massage strokes and techniques. Professional massage of cat should also note that the amount of pressure used in cats is significantly less than the mean pressure used in humans. Our pets, usually tend to get scared excessive pressure which they become defensive as they feel threatened by the action.

When you run a therapeutic massage for your cat, make sure that your pet remains calm and cooperation during the session the entire therapy. You can do this by letting your pet game before the scheduled time for massage, so as to reduce the level of playfulness. As the underlying activity level decreases, the struggle during the therapy is less. A good way to get your pet to settle down and enjoy a massage is accustomed to having massage treatments. You can do this by gently touching the body of your pet to familiarize yourself with the treatment. Sessions of the informal massage therapies, the holder can start treatment on their preferred areas. Work on the areas that are already enjoying our pets is perhaps one of the best places to begin the massage. Most sessions, you can give your pet the most benefits from massage acquires. Make sure your friend furred remains controlled and cooperation during treatment so that he or she can get the effect and the benefits of physical and emotional therapy.

Cats learn to behave during the therapy, the body receives many benefits which include reduction in stress and blood pressure level, stretching and relaxation of erwtimatologia muscle areas, better mood, boost the immune system, exemption from body pain and much more.

Although treatment may sound interesting and beneficial for your pet cat health, consult a veterinarian before trying the cat massage for your cat is a good idea to avoid risks and negative consequences of this type of massage.

I write for TIR massage stone about performing Gift! stone therapy and acquire a good hot stone massage kit.

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Raw foods for cats provides vibrant health

Raw foods for cats begins to strike. People are beginning to understand that the long-term health benefits for raw diet cat food is enormous. It is not only the lack of quality ingredients in a typical commercial pet food which is so harmful to the health of your cat. Is the chemical additives, preservatives, artificial flavors, colors, and appetite stimulant. And cooking destroys enzymes and proteins.

Your cat has developed raw foods diet. It is impossible to improve physics. Humans often arrogant boasts the opposite is more to gain from the truth.

Of course, good health is the apparent result of a healthy, natural, raw diet. The plethora of new Cat diseases that seem to appear almost daily, I believe it is in large part, due to poor nutrition. Your cat's immune system depends largely on the day-to-day diet. Other conditions will affect one's immune system, but perhaps would not have so much influence. Dr. Pottenger way back in the 1930s established this fact.

Having established that raw foods are superior, and cost effective in terms of good health, the next question I have is how do you go about applying?

There are many aspects to consider changing from commercial cat foods on a diet of raw foods. You need to know what food is appropriate, what foods should be avoided, what foods can be harmful if taken in excess. There are also considerations convince your cat through change and ensure a balanced diet.

If you're a busy person, you can already quaking in your shoes, for that all these are only very, very difficult. I know that is how I felt when I was convinced this is where you should be. It was tough. I don't know where to start or what to do. Nobody helped. Is a vegetarian, you are often gagged on what is supposed to do. Cats helped either by refusing a lot. I almost.

But I persevered. And I am so I like my cats ' health is excellent. Rarely receive any health issues and what they often resolves itself. Hunting is almost non-existent, as their nutritional needs are met if at all. Be happy and content.

The comments about the health of cats smoke, starting with a change of diet, is Testament itself. Really serious and deep seated chronic diseases can be turned around quickly.

Because I want everyone who loves the cat sufficiently that they feed a healthy diet, I wrote an eBook and a process of integration, shows you how to achieve this in baby steps. I am strongly in baby steps. It is easy to become overwhelmed by a new idea. But take one small step each day and suddenly you're an expert, without even trying.

Do not be discouraged by the enormous amount of work in front of the conversion from commercial to raw foods for your cat. With the help, it is easy.

Madeleine Innocent is a full time consultant homeopath based in Perth, Western Australia. She also coaches people, both on-and offline, on how to use some of the common origin prescribing remedies for animals and humans. For more information, visit: nutrition and homeopathy for cats

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